Saturday, April 17, 2010

Gospel Principles Lesson 8 ~ Praying to our Heavenly Father

My calling in the ward is to teach the 2nd week of the month, so this is not a lesson I will be preparing.  That being said, I have found it difficult when I research my lessons to find a lot of discussion/commentary on the internet.  So, I will leave this topic open, and if anyone would like to discuss their thoughts on the lesson, or share links you have seen, or things you are using in your lesson, you are welcome to do so in the comment section below!  Also, if anyone would like to guest-blog in the future, let me know and I'd be happy to accomodate.   Any thoughts?


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Gospel Principles Lesson 7 ~ The Holy Ghost

I have been so busy this week, I'm sorry this comes at the very last minute!  I'll share my brief thoughts on my favorite portion of this lesson. 
One of my favorite quotes from this lesson is the one from Joseph Fielding Smith:

"When a man has a manifestation from the Holy Ghost, it leaves an indelible impression on his soul, one that is not easily erased.  It is Spirit speaking to spirit, and it comes with convincing force."

This is an awesome thought!  What does it mean?  Can my spirit communicate with your spirit?  Somehow, the Holy Ghost is able to communicate with our spirits in a way we don't understand...and that is what makes it so powerful.   President Smith continues:

"A manifestation of an angel, or even the Son of God himself would impress the eye and mind, and eventually become dimmed, but the impressions of the Holy Ghost sink deeper into the soul and are more difficult to erase."

Amazing.  Even if we were to see Christ himself, it would not be as powerful as a manifestation of the Spirit.   Another portion of the lesson says, "without the Holy Ghost, we could not know that Jesus is the Christ." 

This makes me think of Laman and Lemuel.  We've all heard the story, and asked the same question...Why did they keep rebelling?  How many times did they see angels and witness miracles, only to turn again to wickedness.  Is it because they would not receive the Holy Ghost, and so the impressions from the miracles they witness were dimmed?

To go along with my lesson, I am going to play a recording of a song.  This song is   "If Christ Should Speak to Me" , by Jenny Walker Francis.  It was printed in the Friend magazine in 1995.   The whole song is beautiful, but the words in verses 3 and 4 are especially pertinant to the lesson.  Jenny Francis is a relative of my husband, and his extended family gathered together to create a Walker family choir a few years ago.  We recorded this song from our performance, so the quality is not perfect, by any means (you'll hear noises from the audience, etc.).  I am including this song because the words fit so perfectly with the lesson.  I am going to print the words for my class to read while they listen to the song.  Enjoy!

If Christ Should Speak to Me (.wma)

If Christ Should Speak to Me- (.mp3)

If Christ Should Speak to Me

If Christ should speak to me, and bid me follow Him
As when He walked in Galilee, and old Jerusalem
Would hearing His kind voice aloud be any plainer still
Than gentle promptings deep within that bid me do His will?

If I could feel his hands, and touch his wounded side
Would I be any surer then that it was He who died?
If I beheld the open tomb, and knelt with Him to pray
Could I more boldly testify that He lives on today?

No witness is more sure, no sight or sound more real,
Than when the Holy Ghost confirms the truth I know and feel
For sprit speaks to spirit, and sweet assurance gives
With greatful heart, I praise the Lord, I know my Savior lives!

One day I'll hear his voice, and see Him face to face
I'll touch the nailprints in His hands, and feel His warm embrace
Until that blessed day arrives, when I before Him bow
The Holy Spirit teaches me to love Him here and now.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gospel Principles Lesson 5 ~ The Creation

UPDATED LINKS!  See below...

After reading the great lesson review from Vada at,  I was inspired by a follow-up comment.  A reader suggested bringing in the story of the Apollo 8 space mission, and the events surrounding it--particularly the "earthrise" that the witnessed.  I won't go into detail myself, but an account of the story is found here:


I decided to put this picture, along with newly-released Hubble Telescope photographs to a slideshow as an attention-getter at the beginning of my lesson.  The audio background is the astronauts of Apollo 8 reading from Genesis.  My video is under 3 minutes and can be downloaded here:

I suggest giving a brief background to your class before showing the video.

Feel free to leave comments in the comment section!  I'd love to know if someone uses this video.